Before Rabbi Nosson Scherman became the teacher of all of Klal Yisrael through his brilliant and incisive writings as General Editor of ArtScroll, he was a beloved rebbe and a renowned menahel. And even as his Torah wisdom reached hundreds of thousands (no exaggeration!) of Jews throughout the world, he was still regarded as a wise, caring, and insightful educator, a "mechanech's mechanech."" Now, he shares with us his clear, honest and practical answers to hundreds of questions about the increasingly complex world of our children's chinuch. These questions were posed to him as a member of the "Chinuch Roundtable" in Yated Neeman. My son's best friend is a nice boy, but he uses inappropriate language and comes from a troubled background. Should we break up the friendship - and if so, how do we do it? A classmate is bullying my child. The teacher and administration are not doing much to help, so I told him to hit back hard. My wife is horrified and says that is not the Jewish way. What should we do? My younger daughter outshines my older one in certain talents. How do I encourage the younger to develop her strengths while not making her older sister jealous and resentful? These are real questions asked by real parents, reflecting the issues that we face daily as we raise our children. In these pages we'll find shy kids, off-the-derech kids, children who are bullies or who are bullied. We'll find concerned parents dedicated teachers, perplexed principals. And we will find answers, practical solutions to many contemporary problems. Solutions that are rooted in Torah wisdom. Solutions that work.