Holy Woman: The Road to Greatness of Rebbetzin Chaya Sara Kramer

Holy Woman: The Road to Greatness of Rebbetzin Chaya Sara Kramer

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Holy Woman chronicles the life, times, hardships, and legacy of Rebbitzen Chaya Sara Kramer, an extraordinary woman whom many considered a Jewish saint. A survivor of the medical experiments of Nazi death camp Doctor Joseph Mengele, she made a new life in Israel, where she married an unusually gifted mystic. In spite of penury and deprivation, the couple was an inspiration and guide to thousands. More of a life manual than a biography, this book explicates the profound life lessons by which Rebbitzen Kramer lived. Author Sara Yoheved Rigler draws the reader into the inner circle of her own close relationship with the Rebbitzen. Herself a serious searcher, Rigler spent 15 years in an Indian ashram before coming to Israel to reconnect with her Jewish origins. Refreshingly written and elegantly relevant, Holy Woman is a book for spiritually oriented persons who yearn to learn secrets of personal greatness from a truly hidden and humble Jewish luminary.