Wouldn't it be fantastic if babies came with instructions? Wouldn't you love to have your wise grandmother nearby when your baby won't stop crying? Wouldn't it be great to have an experienced friend on call when you're choosing the perfect stroller? And wouldn't you want to read a parenting book that reflects the values you cherish? You've got it all in this comprehensive, practical, and empowering book, written just for you!
Baby's First Year: The Jewish Mother's Guide is here to answer your questions, calm your fears, and give you all the information you need - and the confidence! - to make well-informed decisions. It includes everything you have to know about nursing your baby, child development, common medical issues, baby equipment, and so much more. And since this is about Jewish babies you'll also find chapters dealing with Jewish traditions to welcome children to this world, as well as pertinent halachos of childcare and Shabbos. A comprehensive index makes it easy to find the information you need.
Baby's First Year team includes a neonatal nurse with more than a decade of experience with newborns and a speech-language pathologist with a deep understanding of child development. Some are still mothers of young children, others are already grandmas, so in addition to carefully researched information, they also share practical tips, insights, and ideas that really work! Comprehensive, practical, and reflecting the Jewish values you cherish, Baby's First Year: A Jewish Mother's Guide is an essential piece of baby equipment!
Includes everything you need to know about newborns:
Step-by-step diapering, bathing, swaddling, burping instructions.
The most up-to-date medical advice.
A guide to Jewish ceremonies (bris, kiddush, pidyon haben, etc.) and selected laws
Baby furniture and clothing essentials shopping lists that make sense
Choosing the pediatrician who is right for you
Common childhood illnesses and when to call (and not to call) your doctor
Everything, and we mean everything, you need to know to successfully feed your baby (over 70 pages on nursing your baby!)
Developmental charts and information - from newborn to one year old
Rolling, crawling, and (yikes!) walking. And babyproofing now that baby can really move!
Baby massage guide
Promoting speech development
The when and what of solid food
Sleep training - different approaches for different needs
And so much more: Everything you need to make your baby's first year a happy, healthy, and unforgettable growing experience for baby and for you!
Baby's First Year: The Jewish Mother's Guide is here to answer your questions, calm your fears, and give you all the information you need - and the confidence! - to make well-informed decisions. It includes everything you have to know about nursing your baby, child development, common medical issues, baby equipment, and so much more. And since this is about Jewish babies you'll also find chapters dealing with Jewish traditions to welcome children to this world, as well as pertinent halachos of childcare and Shabbos. A comprehensive index makes it easy to find the information you need.
Baby's First Year team includes a neonatal nurse with more than a decade of experience with newborns and a speech-language pathologist with a deep understanding of child development. Some are still mothers of young children, others are already grandmas, so in addition to carefully researched information, they also share practical tips, insights, and ideas that really work! Comprehensive, practical, and reflecting the Jewish values you cherish, Baby's First Year: A Jewish Mother's Guide is an essential piece of baby equipment!
Includes everything you need to know about newborns:
Step-by-step diapering, bathing, swaddling, burping instructions.
The most up-to-date medical advice.
A guide to Jewish ceremonies (bris, kiddush, pidyon haben, etc.) and selected laws
Baby furniture and clothing essentials shopping lists that make sense
Choosing the pediatrician who is right for you
Common childhood illnesses and when to call (and not to call) your doctor
Everything, and we mean everything, you need to know to successfully feed your baby (over 70 pages on nursing your baby!)
Developmental charts and information - from newborn to one year old
Rolling, crawling, and (yikes!) walking. And babyproofing now that baby can really move!
Baby massage guide
Promoting speech development
The when and what of solid food
Sleep training - different approaches for different needs
And so much more: Everything you need to make your baby's first year a happy, healthy, and unforgettable growing experience for baby and for you!