Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer has long been a favorite of ArtScroll readers. His Tehillim/Psalms translation and commentary has become a classic. His other works, too, are staples for discerning readers in search of the unique Feuer blend of insight and scholarship, not to mention the wealth of stories that flavor his expositions. Now the master is back with a new book, on a subject that touches every Jewish heart and home. Tzedakah -- most people call it charity, but it is actually far more than that. The word’s root is related to justice, because charity is much more than merely a nice thing to do if money is available. Helping others is the just, the right, thing to do -- and the obligation of tzedakah rests on everyone, rich and poor alike. In this broad-ranging book, Rabbi Feuer examines the full gamut of tzedakah from every conceivable angle: the giver, the collector, the recipient, the many varieties of kindness, from a smile to a favor to a contribution. The book contains hundreds of anecdotes about the great and unknown. The sources are here, too: the Torah, the Talmud, the Midrash, the Halachah, the responsa, the decisions of the great leaders of this and recent generations. This is a practical book, as well as an inspirational one. It deals with the sort of questions that conscientious people ask all the time: How much must I give? What are the priorities? Am I required to give my time and work? Do I have the right to turn down a request? What should I do about the unsolicited gifts that clutter my mailbox? In addition to his own research, Rabbi Feuer has consulted many of the great halachic authorities to clarify the myriad such halachic issues. What do you look for in a book? Information? Clarity? Accuracy? Necessary information? Entertaining and inspiring stories? An author whose warm, generous, concerned, and engaging personality glows in every sentence? Then this book is for you.